Fishermen’s Museum

The Hastings Fishermen’s Museum is one of the town’s most popular tourist attractions. It is open every day, except Christmas Day, and over 140,000 people go through the doors every year. It is inside a church built on the Stade in 1852, which fell out of use after the Second World War.

In 1956 local people concerned about preserving the maritime history of Hastings took over the old Fishermen’s Church. They knocked down part of a wall and pulled inside one of the last of the luggers (sailing fishing boats), the Enterprise, which only just fits. All around it are many models, photos, paintings, nets, ropes and a wide variety of other fishing artefacts.

The Fishermen’s Museum is still used for christenings and baptisms, with a carol concert every Christmas. The museum is run by a joint committee of the Fishermen’s Protection Society and the Old Hastings Preservation Society. Admission is free.

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