Fish Market

Hastings Fishmarket

Most of the fish caught by local boats is sold through Hastings Fishmarket. This was built in 1993 by a non-profit company set up by the Fishermen’s Protection Society on behalf of the fishing community.

When boats come ashore, usually in the late morning, they unload their fish in boxes onto carts, which are then wheeled to the market. Here the fish are iced and stacked on large stalls. Most are then handled by a wholesaler, Network Fishmarkets, which takes them to other outlets. The other fish are auctioned by another business, Adams Brothers, early in the morning.

Look inside the market hall if the big blue doors on the east or west side are open. Upstairs is a public cafĂ© with spectacular sea views and good fishy meals, run by Margaret Banfield. Also upstairs are the offices of: the Fishermen’s Protection Society; the government’s South East Fisheries Inspector; Network; and Adams Brothers.

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